10 Tips to Ease Yourself Back into a Healthy Routine
Dec 31, 2020If you read our August newsletter, we shared 10 tips to get you back into a routine before September starts. (If you're not on our email list, scroll down to the bottom of the page to sign up.)
We're fans of slow, sustainable changes that, when added together, give big pay offs. That's why we're sharing 10 more tips that'll help you get back into a healthy routine.
10 Ways to Ease into a Healthy Routine
Start slowly by adding the following to your routine:
1. Start your day with a cup of warm water and a slice of lemon. Yes, before anything else, and, if possible, drink with little to no distractions. Waking your internal body in a gentle and healthy way starts your day off right.
2. Get some shopping therapy. Purchase a new pair of runners, a cute workout top, or some sweet running tights. New gear's always motivating and fun!
3. Start (back) meal planning. Even if it’s just breakfast for three days of the week, you've got to start somewhere. The key to sustaining this is: doing it at the same time, on the same day, with the same system week after week. Try using a whiteboard on the fridge for all to see.
4. Add more dark leafy greens. Their benefits are endless and it's the perfect time of year to do this, since kale, swiss chard, spinach, and the like are plentiful, fresh and readily available from your local farmer.
5. Get (back) on those supplements. As we head into a season that has us spending more time inside surrounded by germs, it's time to be preventative with your immune health. If you don’t already have a customized supplement routine that supports your body, find a holistic specialist to help you make it happen.
6. Schedule your workouts. Like on your calendar. Write it down and hold yourself to them. Even start with one a week. Consistency is what counts here.
7. Find a goal and commit. A virtual race, a squat PR, a distance, a new class/sport – whatever it is, make sure it’s fun, that it excites you and that it gives you something to focus on and work towards in the coming months.
8. Get a new water bottle. Glass is our favourite option followed by stainless steel. Choosing one that's pretty and fun is necessary – if we like something, we're sure to use it more.
9.) Dust off your yoga mat. Start a stretching or yoga routine that takes up 2-5 minutes daily, and do it first thing in the morning or last thing before bed. Leave your mat in a visible place so you can easily be reminded of your daily commitment.
10. Get positive. The world is filled with enough negativity. The best way to crowd out all the terrible stuff is to find the good and speak it often. This is especially important (and true) when it comes to you and your body.
Don't wait to get out of summer-mode!
Start inserting small changes into your days and weeks leading up to the chaos that is September.
It's the best way to plan for success.
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{Photo credit: Ola Mishchenko via Unsplash}
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